Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Oh Yah

Yah so the post right below this one i thought was so cool!!! and i was right! now 2 of my friends have this on their blog you should put it on urs to so it goes around.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ok....You've GOT to see this.


(it's a show called britian's got talent. it doesnt start until like 1:00, but watch it and tell me he's not good!!!) k....this guy has never had any dance lessons...he taught himself!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Just Some Random Stuff

My birthday is coming up on June 6th, and i'm really exited. I will be turning 12, but i dont want anything in particular. i had to stay with some friends from my church this weekend, and it was really fun. i saw a movie, making that the first time that i've gone to a theater. i saw night at the museum 2. it was pretty good. anyways, tomorrow is tuesday, and is the last week of school. im really sad because im getting homeschooled next year, and i really like my school. I feel really bad, because im gonna miss so many people at wca. i was going to tell someone that i liked him, but i was to embaraced/afraid to, and now i regret it. i also left the school by running away from someone (long story), so i didn't have time to say goodbye to anyone. :( but oh well. it could have been worse!!! :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

this is a pic of me now

Why its so hard not to say like

I find it very difficult not to say like because it just is. if u think about it i probably say like like at least 100 times an hour. and im not joking-me and ashton are getting worse. every time either of us says like, the other one says like, to remind ourselves not to say it. sometimes neither of us notice! its so hard!!! if u dont think so, try not saying like for 2 days, and let me know how it went! :)

Life is good

Today, my family went to carter lake. me and sandi tanned/swam. it was so nice-just the perfect weather and everything! my mom said that we can go camping there this summer. :) im happy

Saturday, May 16, 2009

a bunch things to do when you're bored in class (it came out kinda messed up, so deal with it)

  1. Devise a secret code with your friends then hand in the homework in that code
  2. Continually ask questions so that the professor can't give homework
  3. Answer the teacher's questions in slow motion
  4. Answer questions only with one word
  5. scream random words without anybody noticing it's you
  6. Continuously yawn until everyone is yawning
  7. Ask your professor personal questions
  8. Every time the professor finishes talking clap
  9. Eat paper
  10. Talk very fast
  11. Call the professor "mom" or "Dad"
  12. Count your hair
  13. Talk with an accent
  14. Answer questions in a different language
  15. Pretend to be scared of everything
  16. Draw cartoon characters of your classmates or of the professors

    Write out plan on how to conquer the world

    Pretend to be drunk
  17. Tap your feet on the ground loudly
  18. Raise your hand for every question your teacher asks you but answer "oh i forgot"
  19. Wink at the teacher
  20. Wink at random people
  21. Smack your thigh and smile at the people who look at you
  22. Smile the whole lesson

    Pretend to sleep and snore loudly
  23. Ask your teacher where the potions room is
  24. Ask the teacher where he/she is
  25. Fake Fart Sounds

    Spill you pencil case/box on the floor
  26. Pretend to be sick
  27. Pretend to have photographic memory
  28. Fake flashbacks

    Repeat movie lines
  29. Pretend you are Harry Potter and your scar hurts
  30. Sing your favourite song

    Pretend to be Indian
  31. Talk to yourself
  32. Snort Eraser dust
  33. When the teacher enters the room Scream "next"
  34. When the Teacher enters the room ask for a refund
  35. On your assignments write very small or extremely big
  36. Act like a nerd

    Talk in slang
  37. Get into a fight with yourself
  38. Pretend you are a gangster
  39. Pretend you are high
  40. Bring a bag of flour to school and on your desk make lines of flour and attempt to snort them
  41. Once the teacher enters the room get the whole class to sing the national anthem

    Stare at one object in the classroom for one lesson
  42. Rate the teacher

    Touch a Plug and pretend to get electrocuted
  43. Sleep
  44. Make odd animal noises
  45. Act like an undercover spy
  46. Write down everything the teacher says while repeating what they say
  47. Laugh Stupidly for no reason
  48. Act as if you were blind
  49. Sit on the floor and beg for money
  50. Think of the best excuses for being late/ not handing in your homework

    Talk in gangster rap
  51. Challenge your teacher to a rap battle
  52. Pretend to chew gum :)
  53. Point out the window and say "LOOK EVERYBODY SPIDERMAN" once every one looks say "oh too late he's gone now"
  54. Write a love note and leave it on the chair when you change period
  55. Play an air guitar
  56. Throw paper airplanes
  57. Say random facts about people
  58. Go up to someone you have never talked to before then tell them "i have this problem for years now i can't take it anymore"
  59. Narrate your life
  60. Beat box
  61. Whistle at random things
  62. Count random things
  63. Pass notes to people you have no interest in
  64. Ask personal details about people you would never have talked to
  65. Play your favorite song in your head
  66. Think of what the teacher's life was like
  67. Rhyme the last words of everybody's sentences
  68. Play paper football
  69. Search in your bag/binder for things you don't have
  70. Attempt to Find Nemo
  71. Attempt to be Aidan Davis

  72. Find a better thing to do than find a bunch things to do when bored

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

my hobbies

  • skating
  • painting
  • violin
  • drums
  • piano
  • guitar
  • bike riding
  • swimming

this is me skating (im doing a on-foot spin, so it looks all weird)

This is me when i was like 3

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Yah thats me

All my friends (these are not in order so dont get offended)

Megan O.
note: i can always add you if ur not on my list, so just comment and tell me i didnt add u thanks :)

Things i don't like

starving people in africa
animals being mistreated
barack obama (no offense)
my yearbook picture
people who are immuature
songs that play over and over and over
throwing up
huge roller costers

Things i like

the internet
weird al
the song "jesus freak"
my family
my friends

Monday, May 11, 2009


yah im really bord right now... just finished emailing for like five hours!!! but compared to my sister, im nothn! i just sprained my ankle falling off my bike. also counting the millions of brusis and strawberries all over my body!!!!! IT HURTS!!!!! i just finished reading a redwall book. it was pretty good. gotta go. ttfn tata for now!